Race for the Watershed Duck Derby & 5K
Help support healthy waterways in our community!
Please help us keep this calendar up to date! If this activity is sold out, canceled, or otherwise needs alteration, email mindy@kidsoutandabout.com so we can update it immediately. If you have a question about the activity itself, please contact the organization administrator listed below.
5K Duck Dash: 9am | Family Fun Festival:10am-1pm | Duck Races start at 10:30am
Help support healthy waterways in our community! Held in partnership with Concord Township, this event is a fundraiser to help raise money to preserve and protect the watershed in the park at Newlin Grist Mill.
*Times, dates, and prices of any activity posted to our calendars are subject to change. Please be sure to click through directly to the organization’s website to verify.
Newlin Grist MillLocation:
219 South Cheyney Road
Glen Mills, PA, 19342United States
See map: Google Maps
610-459-2359Contact name:
Newlin Grist Mill
Email address:
5K Duck Dash: 9am | Family Fun Festival:10am-1pm | Duck Races start at 10:30am
5K: $35; racing duck: $20 (3 for $50)
Adults & kids together Adults without kidsWeb Service